Orchestrator Manager - Migrate Classic to Modern

Hi All,

I’m using Orchestrator Manager-2.3.0 and exploring the Migration of entities from Classic to Modern Folder.

Currently, i have an issue with FOlder Entity -Migrate Classic to Modern, if i click the Execute button no action is happening that is next step is not progressing
“Entity: Folder - Operation: Migrate Classic to Modern”
“Entity: Folder - Operation: Migrate Classic to Modern”
“Entity: Folder - Operation: Migrate Classic to Modern”

It is just displaying the above text in the output panel & displaying the tool popup

Did you read first the attached Manual for Orchestrator Manager tool in order to understand how it is working? Orchestrator Manager Manual (3).pdf (1.7 MB)

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Hi Marian,

Yeah, i did & based upon the instructions provided, i was exploring,
it was working well since yesterday, All of sudden I’m facing some issues, below step is not progressing

Hi marian,

Thanks for the Heads up, now it started working , i deleted the list of excel files which was created during run time in the workbook path & re-executed it again

Now it copies the req excel files & relevant steps are started working now.

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