Orchestrator: Get Transaction item

Dear community

When I get a transaction item, how can I read it’s actual values? (I need the previously written attributes for further processing). Any manual available since the documentation I found was not helpful.

Many thanks

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After you get the item into a variable using Get Transaction Item Activity you can use the following syntax to get the fields defined inside the item:

[ItemName].SpecificContent([Field Name])

Thank you - that works. Is there a documentation about this function?
Now, assuming I need to loop through the transaction items… how would I
a) if I’m done, how do I know? Would the according SpecificContent(blah)-field be empty or is there another indication?
b) how can I process “in progress” items?
c) can I select transaction items without actually getting the items (e.g. SQL-statement like)

Many thanks

Answer from UiPath:
a) if I’m done working through the Queue, how do I know? Would the according SpecificContent(blah)-field be empty or is there another indication?
{Jishnu}–> You have to use if or Decision activity and check by using “currentItem is Nothing” where currentitem is the variable in the output of Get Transaction is stored.
b) how can I process “in progress” items?
{Jishnu}–> Currently only those items can be processed whose status is new. No other items can be fetched or proceesed in workflow
c) can I select transaction items without actually getting the items (e.g. SQL-statement like)
{Jishnu}–> Currently we can only feth those items from orchestrator whose status is new. You can write your own sql query to fetch the values directly from database but that is not recommended as orchestrator will have no control over this and it may cause somee error in normal functioning.


Can u help me.

get transaction item is causing Exception (Object Reference not set to instance of an object) when there are no more items with New Status.

you have to have a “Decission” on whether there is still some payload or not. The statement then can be:
ExtractDataTable.Rows.Count > 0

in the decision.

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Thanks for the response binaer

But didnt understand what you meant.
Still some payload means?
And what is this ExtractDataTable used for?

Can you please attach a working xaml for a)
I have a queue named “TestQueue” can you create and attach a workflow that will get and print the content from all queue items till the queue is finished. And if its finished display a message box telling “All items” processed… Can you please send/attach such an xaml.
Will help me a lot!

Hi Anandhu,

please find attached a source file that does more or less what you want. It is not perfect (it uses If instead of Decision Activity), but it will work :slight_smile:Wim UiPath Orchestrator Practice 8 read from Queue.xaml (9.1 KB)


As for reading queue items that are In Progress, in Orchestrator you can sort on the “Started” column and lookup items that started half an hour or longer ago. This will give you an indication of a problem. Or you could wait 24 hours. After this 24h “In Progress” time their status will be set to “Abandoned”. You can then re-inject them from your source system…