How to get values from Get Transaction Item

Hi Guys !!

I have some Transactions in a queue named Test_1 .

To get the transaction from the queue i used the get transaction item activity & created a output variable Test1_Que. In order to see the values from the transaction in the Message Box, I used Test1_Que.SpecificContent(“Name”).ToString expression but I got below error.

How to resolve this?

Thanks in Advance

can you provide the screen shot of the write line activity to show the expression you have written

and also the type of the queue item


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Hi @mohamedalthaf
Please find below sc for your reference.


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Can you check the type of Test1_Que in Variables pane? It should be type of QueueItem
If it is not that’s where the error will comes

Hope this may help you


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Try this.


Hope it helps.

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Thanks. I have created in this manner but still getting error eventhough everything is correct. does the package version cause errors?

Hey @mohamedalthaf ,

Did you give the correct Orchestrator folder Path, while fetching the transaction item?

It would be of great help if you could share a screenshot of the activity that you have inserted in the sequence.


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can you provide the screen shot of message box to show the expression you have written

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@Harshith_Adyanthaya Thanks Brother. This is working

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