Orchestrator and Unattended robot License

Hello Team,

I have an Attended robot license with me and I just wanted to know that is it mandatory to purchase an Orchestrator license for the unattended robot or I can purchase the Unattended robot license without purchasing an Orchestrator license.

Thanks & Regards

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Hey @KWATRA_Akash

Logically it requires an orchestrator to serve the purpose.

But what is the need or scenario you have to buy Un-Attended license to understand and explain a better solution…


Okay. I need to run the processes on a virtual machine. UiPath Studio is installed on the respective VM with an Attended robot license. So whenever any execution is performed, I need to log in to the VM in order to run it.

Therefore, I need an Unattended robot license to run the execution without logging into the VM. However, I am not sure if I also need to purchase the Orchestrator license for the same.

Thanks & Regards

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Hey @KWATRA_Akash

Will scheduling help for you ?


Hey @Nithinkrishna,

No need for the scheduling as of now.


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Hey @KWATRA_Akash

Okay, So what will be your trigger point to run the un-attended automation ?


Hey @Nithinkrishna,

Using Powershell scripts.


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Hey @KWATRA_Akash

So you mean you have a power shell script in place already which will trigger the robot ?


Hey @Nithinkrishna,

Yes, the PowerShell script will trigger the robot then the xaml file.

My only doubt is if it is necessary to purchase the Orchestrator license in order to install the Unattended bot.


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As already said, Yes @KWATRA_Akash

It won’t be meaningful without that.



There are work arounds to work with Unattended bots without Orchestrator, but it’s best way to have the Orchestrator in place.

Not only for managing the unattended bots, but you can also design you bots by using Queues, Also, you can schedule the bots and many options you have

Hope this may help you



Thanks for the response.

I will be interested to know the workarounds to work with unattended robots without an orchestrator.

Thanks in advance.


Already it was mentioned by @Nithinkrishna and this won’t do in Enterprise Organizations
