I’m trying to call use Orchestrator API from Power Automate and I can’t find the right way.
I have Orchestrator on-premise and I see that the authentication is quite different compared to the cloud version.
If I send the above request from Power Automate I get the error Http request failed with status code ‘NameResolutionFailure’ and status message: ‘The remote name could not be resolved: ‘orchestrator url’’
Do you have any idea on how to properly send HTTP requests?
Link no 1 : It’s about Authorization Code and, as per documentation: “Use this grant type when the registered application is of the type confidential and the request is for user scope.”
Which is not what I want, because mine is an application scope.
Link no 2 : The answer marked as ‘Solution’ points to the Orchestrato documentation which I already followed and explains to create an external application and call the earlier mentioned request.
My main concern is about PowerAutomate, is there someone who managed to connect these two applications for real?
From Postman the error was there because in the external application settings you also need to add the application scope and not only the user one.
Now I’m able to get the access_token but as soon as I try to run a job I receive some CORS configuration error.
Thanks Marian, looks exactly what I did except for the redirect url which was not entered in case of application scopes.
Unfortunately it didn’t solve the issue, I still get the error UnresolvableHostName . Http request failed with status code ‘NameResolutionFailure’ and status message: ‘The remote name could not be resolved: ‘orchestrator********.com’’.
I suppose CORS settings should allow PA server… Something for my IT admin…