NOT Seeing the XMAL Packages when downloaded from orchestrator

I was checked the Include the source as well while publishing the package

UiPath version 2022.10.3 - this is the Studio version am using

When downloading from orchestrator it comes as .nupkg file

Replace that file extension from .nupkg to .zip

Then u zip and extract the files
You will be able to see the xaml files there


After unZipping, it is showing only Dll files

Can u share the screenshot of the file u downloaded from orchestrator and after unzipping as well @Chaitan

We assume that the project was set to Windows Compatibility and is a process package, right?

I dont know what is this setting is about? can you breif liitle bit. should i check any setting please guide me

Hi @Chaitan ,

Could you check the content folder ?

UiPath Studio boot right

Some more info:

when you click Publish in the Studio, click on Options and place a checkmark next to “Include Sources”

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