No visible orchestrator logs

Hello everyone!
I have a problem with orchestrator logs, i had studio 2019.4.3 version and robot settings to information level logs, when i’ve started the bot no logs appear.

Now i’ve installed the last version of studio community edition, but i have the same problem, i try to check if there is a file in %appdata%\uipath like described in other posts but nothing, any other solutions?

Thanks in advance

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Welcome to our uipath community.

Are you using Log Message Activity into your process or not ?

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Yes @lakshman

log message with level info.

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Are you running the process from Orchestrator ? And also is that Robot machine connected with Orchestrator ?

Hi @proto
Welcome to uipath community
First tell us are u using enterprise edition,
If yes you have to modify your web.config inorder to activate your logs

Refer the following will get u the relevant idea.