"No ML Skill Available" in MLSkill Dropdown


I am creating a script using AiFabric. I have successfully deployed an MLSkill from AiFabric to Orchestrator. However, when I try to consume this MLSkill via the activity in UiPath Studio, it does not appear in the dropdown:


Studio is definitely connected to Orchestrator - I can publish the project from Studio to Orchestrator successfully, but the MLSkill does not appear.

I am new to AiFabric, is there a setting that I need to check for MLSkills to become usable in Studio? I am using the Enterprise Trial for AiFabric and UiPath Studio Pro Community 2020.4.3 to develop.



If you’re using AI Fabric Cloud, you need to have your robot connected to the associated Orchestrator - you will connect to both of them through cloud.uipath.com .

Also, make sure you have the ML Skill Available.

Let me know if it doesn’t work.


Thank you for your reply Andra.

My issue is solved - for anyone looking at this error in the future, make sure you only reference Document Understanding ML Skills via the ML Extractors and not the ML Skill activities.

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