My bot can no longer select any web element, only the whole browser can be selected

Hi all,
i am new to UIPath, i created a small bot that logs to a website and do some stuff, it’s been working fine for a month, but today it just stopped working.

(Internet Explorer) … which was already working for a month
when i checked, no selector is working, when i try to reselect the element ( username input ) or ( password input ) i can only select the whole browser.

I tried Google Chrome, i was able to select the username and password, but it failed to use dynamic selector ( ‘name*’).

Can you please help me to know what happened, it was working just fine :sob: :sob:

Thanks in advance

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Hello @Ahmed_Shalaby,

Could you please post the workflow here ?


Thanks Nithan,
here is the login part, the sequence starts with it.



I have the same issue as well. Went on vacation for some weeks, came back and i can’t work with IE at all. It’s like working with chrome without extension. Nothing can be selected

You need to repair selector, I guess entire window matches your selector
Open Selector and Highlite, you will know for yourself

I am not sure what’s wrong with Internet explorer, i no longer can choose any element from it.
I used Msedge instead, but it took many trials till all selectors worked yesterday… and i realy mean too many trials.
Trying to use google chrome failed too.

i tried to do that but Internet Explorer gives me the ability to just select the browser, nothing more.
MsEdge worked with me, but it took so many trials.


This is not it. I am unable to indicate anything in IE with fresh activities. When i hover elements in IE i only get the option to select the whole page.

This is what shows in UI Explorer after i select the only possible “element” in IE.

Hello @vBaustad1,

Cloud you please try in google chrome ?


Hello @Ahmed_Shalaby,

Please reinstall UiPath Studio. Run the installer as Administrator.



I have no issue with chrome, but my process is rather large and it would take me months to redo it so that’s not an option.

I was in contact with support and sadly none of their solutions worked. We even tried uninstalling windows updates and upgrading UiPath versions without success.

We solved it by making a new server and installing UiPath fresh. Thanks for the help anyways. I’m sure it’ll help some ! :slight_smile:

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