MS Excel Add-in not installed

what error do you get when you try to install the addin?

The error states that either installation failed or addIn is disabled.

I have tried to locate the vsto file in the UIPath install folder but cannot find it. All I have is the dll for the excel addIn. And btw, UIPath is a trusted publisher in my settings.


Can you please share with us a print screen of your Excel->Options-> Addins-> COM Addins.

And if possible clear the logs ( %localappdata%/UiPath/Logs ) reinstall the add-in and then share the logs.


Here’s my Con AddIn details:

Here are the log details:

[06/05/2020 11:21:13] ---------------start---------------
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] Running script at 05/06/2020 11:21:13 on LIONWORKS
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] Trying to install the UiPath ExcelAddIn
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] Studio base path is C:\Users\mmuti\AppData\Local\UiPath\app-20.4.0-beta1788
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] RepairOnly mode is False
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] Found VSTO registry key HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VSTO Runtime Setup\v4R
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] VSTO runtime version is 10.0.50903
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] Check registry value exists HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office\Excel\AddIns\UiPath.Integration.ExcelAddIn FriendlyName
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] Update registry value HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office\Excel\AddIns\UiPath.Integration.ExcelAddIn FriendlyName with value UiPath.Integration.ExcelAddIn
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] Check registry value exists HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office\Excel\AddIns\UiPath.Integration.ExcelAddIn Description
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] Update registry value HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office\Excel\AddIns\UiPath.Integration.ExcelAddIn Description with value UiPath.Integration.ExcelAddIn
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] UiPath ExcelAddIn path is C:\Users\mmuti\AppData\Local\UiPath\app-20.4.0-beta1788\UiPath.Integration.ExcelAddIn.vsto
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] Check registry value exists HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office\Excel\AddIns\UiPath.Integration.ExcelAddIn Manifest
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] Update registry value HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office\Excel\AddIns\UiPath.Integration.ExcelAddIn Manifest with value file:///C:\Users\mmuti\AppData\Local\UiPath\app-20.4.0-beta1788\UiPath.Integration.ExcelAddIn.vsto|vstolocal
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] Check registry value exists HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office\Excel\AddIns\UiPath.Integration.ExcelAddIn LoadBehavior
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] Update registry value HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office\Excel\AddIns\UiPath.Integration.ExcelAddIn LoadBehavior with value 3
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] Adding the add-in to the VSTO security inclusion list
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] Checking inclusion key @{PublicKey=1r263ztFjvj/kzQSeLrWvPZnqsvm69NZrK3cppxf7NGtOWcUst43dR39ll6YsoXP4/rI24XMt0RDD/l5SqoVZ4ujnR3KCFscdsMLrpfyIEcnwKiXvyEdzWGYOOVCeMygg+LKtwWyRfVETzq4rc+1k71CcUpWTep69RUlbDLyN4+vBytnUvT9dwX6CyDLzvkC0073t47wV+/9JrpOXq4kwiUFl0017+SEikJ4Wni/wYsM+z60BPN95XJkf2NgI8kzKs7kXnofm2NEWPYRumanshZ/Ifb4E605L4pFd76SLUDSlT4nRofKw7CA0LJNnLJkDsS2MHPCO3LxhUhrEGlutQ==AQAB; Url=file:///C:\Users\mmuti\AppData\Local\UiPath\app-20.4.0-beta1788\UiPath.Integration.ExcelAddIn.vsto; PSPath=Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VSTO\Security\Inclusion\871339b3-ea51-4b6c-acb8-2c6cee002b10; PSParentPath=Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VSTO\Security\Inclusion; PSChildName=871339b3-ea51-4b6c-acb8-2c6cee002b10; PSProvider=Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry}
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] Checking inclusion url file:///C:\Users\mmuti\AppData\Local\UiPath\app-20.4.0-beta1788\UiPath.Integration.ExcelAddIn.vsto
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] Removing existing inclusion entry for this url
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] RSAKeyValue is 1r263ztFjvj/kzQSeLrWvPZnqsvm69NZrK3cppxf7NGtOWcUst43dR39ll6YsoXP4/rI24XMt0RDD/l5SqoVZ4ujnR3KCFscdsMLrpfyIEcnwKiXvyEdzWGYOOVCeMygg+LKtwWyRfVETzq4rc+1k71CcUpWTep69RUlbDLyN4+vBytnUvT9dwX6CyDLzvkC0073t47wV+/9JrpOXq4kwiUFl0017+SEikJ4Wni/wYsM+z60BPN95XJkf2NgI8kzKs7kXnofm2NEWPYRumanshZ/Ifb4E605L4pFd76SLUDSlT4nRofKw7CA0LJNnLJkDsS2MHPCO3LxhUhrEGlutQ==AQAB
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] Check registry value exists HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\VSTO\Security\Inclusion\0b6ad3c1-5370-4cb0-aca0-8cfbe325eada PublicKey
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] System.Management.Automation.PSArgumentException: Property PublicKey does not exist at path HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VSTO\Security\Inclusion\0b6ad3c1-5370-4cb0-aca0-8cfbe325eada.
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] Add registry value HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\VSTO\Security\Inclusion\0b6ad3c1-5370-4cb0-aca0-8cfbe325eada PublicKey with value 1r263ztFjvj/kzQSeLrWvPZnqsvm69NZrK3cppxf7NGtOWcUst43dR39ll6YsoXP4/rI24XMt0RDD/l5SqoVZ4ujnR3KCFscdsMLrpfyIEcnwKiXvyEdzWGYOOVCeMygg+LKtwWyRfVETzq4rc+1k71CcUpWTep69RUlbDLyN4+vBytnUvT9dwX6CyDLzvkC0073t47wV+/9JrpOXq4kwiUFl0017+SEikJ4Wni/wYsM+z60BPN95XJkf2NgI8kzKs7kXnofm2NEWPYRumanshZ/Ifb4E605L4pFd76SLUDSlT4nRofKw7CA0LJNnLJkDsS2MHPCO3LxhUhrEGlutQ==AQAB
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] Check registry value exists HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\VSTO\Security\Inclusion\0b6ad3c1-5370-4cb0-aca0-8cfbe325eada Url
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] System.Management.Automation.PSArgumentException: Property Url does not exist at path HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VSTO\Security\Inclusion\0b6ad3c1-5370-4cb0-aca0-8cfbe325eada.
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] Add registry value HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\VSTO\Security\Inclusion\0b6ad3c1-5370-4cb0-aca0-8cfbe325eada Url with value file:///C:\Users\mmuti\AppData\Local\UiPath\app-20.4.0-beta1788\UiPath.Integration.ExcelAddIn.vsto
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] ImportSigningCertificate dllPath is C:\Users\mmuti\AppData\Local\UiPath\app-20.4.0-beta1788\UiPath.Integration.ExcelAddIn.dll
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] ImportSigningCertificate Importing SignerCertificate into the CurrentUser TrustedPublisher store
[06/05/2020 11:21:13] ImportSigningCertificate - SignerCertificate imported successfully
[06/05/2020 11:21:14] StartExcelAndCheckAddInConnection - COMAddIns.Count: 3
[06/05/2020 11:21:14] StartExcelAndCheckAddInConnection - ComAddIn detected: Microsoft Power Map for Excel
[06/05/2020 11:21:14] StartExcelAndCheckAddInConnection - ComAddIn detected: Microsoft Power Pivot for Excel
[06/05/2020 11:21:14] StartExcelAndCheckAddInConnection - ComAddIn detected: Visual Studio Tools for Office Design-Time Adaptor for Excel
[06/05/2020 11:21:14] StartExcelAndCheckAddInConnection - UiPath ComAddIn not valid
[06/05/2020 11:21:14] OfficeAddInSetup Error:
[06/05/2020 11:21:14] Finished ExcelAddIn installation at 05/06/2020 11:21:14

Hmm strange … the log states that our AddIn is not valid :slight_smile:

Anyway we kinda “developed” based on the experience gathered here on the forum a quick guide for debugging this pesky addin. UiPath Excel Addin Installation Troubleshooting v4.docx (388.6 KB)

Can you please have a go at it and report back with the findings :smiley:

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I’ve tried all the steps outlined and yet UiPath does not seem to be able to ‘see’ the install. As stated by @Craig_Taylor, the manual installation ran successfully and the addIn is showing as installed on my system (see below) howver, the UiPath application cannot ‘see’ the extension :

And the add-in is nowhere to be found in the Excel Add-ins ? Not even in the disabled ones ?

Anyway one of the developers spotted something interesting in your post , to be more precise the location of the other plugins that you have installed.

it seems that your office is installed in C:\Program Files\WindowsApps … so I have to ask how did you install the Office suite ?


It was a while ago but I think as usual I just clicked through the default office 365 install steps. Is there a particular install path that UiP requires MS Office to use?

Oh… and yes, the AddIn is nowhere to be found. Not even in the disabled list.

I would not go as far as a required Office install locations , but in our internal testing we did install office out of a MSI / Online installer which installs it by default in C:\Program files …

I hate to say this but would you be willing to participate in an experiment :smiley: more precisely uninstall excel and reinstall it in the new “custom” location of C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office … if that is not possible then we would have to look at other options which can be a bit more intrusive.


Ok. Will do and get back to you shortly.

I uninstalled Office 365, then ran the standard online install (…sorry, but it does not give one the option to choose the install location :-). But before kicking off the install, I disabled my anti-virus (… I know, not advisable, but I did not want to do it all again!!) Took a while but go there in the end!

Once office was reinstalled, I installed the UIPath excel addIn from the Tools list and everything worked. I ran a couple of tests with the Write Cell action and was able to complete my project.

Sadly, because I did 2 things at once- 1) Unistalling MS Office and 2) Deactivating my antivirus - I cannot tell you which was the culprit causing the issue in highlighted.

Hope this helps someone.


image i am also having the same error. please assist. microsoft excel 2016 MSO(16.0.4226.1001.

Thank you and looking forward to your response.

Uhuuuu … Happy that it worked in the end. I have to ask , did office install in it’s usual C:\Program Files\Office location or did it reinstall in the C:\Program Files\WindowsApps . Because if this is the case then I think the antivirus was to blame. We are using a power shell script to install it ( ok add some keys in the registries no funny business ) and this might have been flagged by the antivirus as malicious code.



Since you have the same error , can you please go up a few posts and download our debugging guide , follow it and come back with the results :slight_smile: Also in this thread there are indications on what logs we need and preferably of what quality .

I would also check if Office is installed from the store and what happens it you disable the antivirus when you install the plugin :slight_smile:


The install was to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office. Interestingly, the path to the COM Add-ins in excel is now different - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office (new installation path) instead of the previous C:\Program Files\WindowsApps (old installation path)

The AV software always notifies me if/when it blocks anything. But they were no notifications and no messages in the AV logs at the time of the issue. The revised paths may hold the key to the solution, but I’ll leave the detailed investigations to others far smarter in those matters than I. Just glad to be able to progress on the learning journey. Thanks again :slight_smile:

Thank you for being part of this learning journey. What made me think that the installation path could be a case was an article Office from Microsoft Store: a spreading source of issues which highlighted the issues that they faced with the Store version of Excel.

So just to summarize what we discoverer in our investigation:

Excel installations that are based on the Microsoft Store will install Excel in the following path : C:\Program Files\WindowsApps – this would cause issues with the installation of the plugin.

The solution that worked is to reinstall Microsoft Office in the “traditional” location ( for example : C:\Program Files\Office) and then reinstall the Excel plug-in.

The alternative solution would be to try and regain control over the C:\Program Files\WindowsApps folder Redirecting and then reinstall the plugin. I have to mention that this solution is not validated therefore I need a volunteer :smiley: So please the next guy / gal which is encountering this would you be willing to try the alternative solution and then come back with the results :slight_smile:


In case this post gets flagged as the solution I would leave the debugging guide that we developed. Please note that it’s still rough around the edges so treat it as a final draft version, butt still draft :wink: UiPath Excel Addin Installation Troubleshooting v4.docx (388.6 KB)

Regarding logs, they are usually found in %localappdata%/UiPath/Logs and

  • Studio.log – gives us information on how the Studio started or if it was able to load all the correct libs.

  • Execution.log – gives us information on what happens after you click the run button

  • UiPath.ExcelAddIn.log – gives us information on how the plugin interacted with Excel ( will not be present if the Add-In failed to install )

  • ExcelAddIn_Install.log – gives us information on the issues encountered during the Excel plugin installation ( in this particular case it’s the most important )

Usually we would request that you delete the logs prior replicating the encountered defect. This is a best practice when reporting a defect since it would speed up the reading of the logs by the development team.

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This fix doesn’t work for me either. UiPath is in my trusted publisher, I’ve manually installed the addin from the path in the document but same problem persists.