I’ve just installed UiPath Studio X (2020.4.0-beta.250), but am having immediate issues with MS Excel.
I have, repeatedly, installed the Excel Add in via the Home → Tools menu. Every time it tells me it is successfully installed and to restart Excel (which I have … repeatedly. Even restarted the PC). Yet MS Excel (Office Professional Plus 2016) shows no UiPath Studio add-in via the Options → Add-ins UI.
When running a starter template for Excel in Studio X I get the error message
Failed to connect to the UiPath Excel Add-in. Please check that UiPath.Excel Add-in is installed by going to: Home | Tools | Excel Add-in
To speedup the debugging process can you please provide us with the logs They are usually found in %localappdata%/UiPath/Logs . We are most interested in the excel add-in installation logs ExcelAddIn_Install.log