MS Excel Add-in not installed


I’ve just installed UiPath Studio X (2020.4.0-beta.250), but am having immediate issues with MS Excel.

I have, repeatedly, installed the Excel Add in via the Home → Tools menu. Every time it tells me it is successfully installed and to restart Excel (which I have … repeatedly. Even restarted the PC). Yet MS Excel (Office Professional Plus 2016) shows no UiPath Studio add-in via the Options → Add-ins UI.

When running a starter template for Excel in Studio X I get the error message


Failed to connect to the UiPath Excel Add-in. Please check that UiPath.Excel Add-in is installed by going to: Home | Tools | Excel Add-in

Please help!

At times, Office itself needs to be reinstalled to correct this issue.

The same issue like you .Did you solve it ?

Nope - I have better things to do than to re-install MS Excel.

And fwiw … i am able to install (manually) other add-ins for MS Excel.

Please verify that the addin is present or enabled in Excel->Options-> Addins-> COM Addins

Not present. As stated in the original post :slight_smile:


To speedup the debugging process can you please provide us with the logs :slight_smile: They are usually found in %localappdata%/UiPath/Logs . We are most interested in the excel add-in installation logs ExcelAddIn_Install.log


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Sent via direct message … i think!

Thank you , I received the log file. I would also have to ask what MS Office version are you using :slight_smile:

If i have to repeat everything from the original post this is gonna take a looong time bud!

If you can provide the XLAM file(s) I can try manually installing the add-in.

I don’t think that I can provide that :slight_smile:

can you please provide the exact version of the excel version, like this:


Excel version

a possible fix should be available on next week update


Great stuff - many thanks!

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I’m having same issue with my installation…the UiPath excel add-in does not appear in my Excel add-in options and I’m using Microsoft Office 365.

The version is: image

I hope the fix will cater to all users?

a new community version is available. can you please make sure you updated and try again? some fixes are available for addin problems.

Just downloaded the latest version and the problem seems persists - no installation file in any of the locations mention in the chain.

My UP version is: StudioX 2020.4.0-beta.1788

My excel version is: ima-beta443x23 .

Was the update meant to cover this version combination?