Excel addin not connecting

I am following the “first automation using microsoft office” tutoral (find your unicorn name). I am following the instructions but I am stuck when trying to connect to Excel. There seems to be a problem with the connector. When I click the (+) button to get the Excel data and select “Indicate in Excel” I get the error message “Failed to connect to the UiPath Excel Add-in”. I have tried using the repair, I have followed the troubleshooting guide, but nothing fixes the problem. It is very disheartening to be blocked at the first attempt at automation. Please can you help fix the problem?


Sorry for hearing that the Excel Add-in is causing you troubles , can you please have a look at the following thread :

Maybe it helps , and if not it will provide you with all the data that we require to speed-up the debugging process.


HI Dragos - sorry but i dont understand what you want me to do.

I can confirm the Excel Add-in is installed ok - just that StudioX can’t connect with it for some reason.


Can you please check this troubleshooting guide



Hi Anil G

Thanks for your email – but unfortunately this troubleshooting guide has not helped.

Just to confirm


Thank you for taking your time but except the print screens that you just provided a bit more information is required :slight_smile:
For example most helpfull for us in the debugging process are the logs and in this specific case the ExcelAddIn_Install.log which is found in %localappdata%\UiPath\Logs . Also feel free to upload all the logs that you find there.

Also just to confirm : you are using StudioX 23.4 and Office 365 ? ( made an educated guess based on the print screens )



Few pointers


Hi Anil

Here is the Excel version number details

Kind regards



This looks fine

Did you happen to enable excel 4.0 also the second point in above comment


Hi Anil

Yes – I have also tried with Excel 4.0 enabled

Kind regards


Hi Dragos

Many thanks for your email. Here is the additional information you requested – including all the logs (see attached)

(Attachment 2023-04-26_UiPath_ExcelAddIn.log is missing)

(Attachment 2023-04-25_ExcelAddIn_Install.log is missing)

(Attachment 2023-04-25_OfficeExtensions.log is missing)

(Attachment 2023-04-25_UiPath.Studio.Analyzer.log is missing)

(Attachment 2023-04-25_UiPath.Studio.DataBaseServer.log is missing)

(Attachment 2023-04-25_UiPath.Studio.log is missing)

(Attachment 2023-04-25_UiPath.Studio.Project.log is missing)

(Attachment 2023-04-26_ExcelAddIn_Install.log is missing)

(Attachment 2023-04-26_OfficeExtensions.log is missing)

(Attachment 2023-04-26_UIAutomation.log is missing)


Can you send the logs as a pesonal message ? Somehow I do not see them as attachments in your post here .


Hi Dragos – please tell me how to do that?

