Hi all,
I want to find total number of days in a month excluding saturday’s and sunday’s. It can be any month.can anyone help me in solving it.
Thanks in advance.
here you go with a xaml
hope this would help you
Daysinmonth.zip (2.2 KB)
Cheers @Bindhu
Check this xaml and customize it as per your need. Here I am passing start date and end date for a period to get weekdays alone.GetBusinessDays.xaml (4.7 KB)
Hi @Palaniyappan
Thanks for fast reply and its working fine.
Cheers @Bindhu
Hi @Palaniyappan
Now i’m trying to get total number of days excluding saturday’s and sunday’s in every month. But the problem is every time for every month i am getting the same count. I am uploading my xaml file can you please cross check it once.
Thanks.Main.xaml (10.0 KB)
@Bindhu Hi check modified workflow below.
Main (2).xaml (11.5 KB)
Thank you,It’s working fine.
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