Modern Get Text - Extract text from UiElement

Hi guys,
In the modern version of Get Text, how could I extract the text from a UiElement that I have previously found using Find Element.

This is very simple in the Classic activities, but I cannot seem to figure it out using modern version.

Hi @raf667
What are trying to do. can you specify.


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Hi Parvaty,

Looks like the answer was there before me the whole time, I just had to use the Input Element property.

Thanks for the quick answer though!

Hi @raf667

You got your answer inside your question itself. Anyways Happy to have helped.

Happy Automation


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Hi @raf667

If you have the output of Find element activity it is in Ui element datatype. Pass this variable to the Input element option in the properties panel of Get text activity.

If you want to pass the output element of one UI activity to other UI activity.
Create a variable in output element option of first Ui activity and pass that variable to the input element option in second Ui activity.

Hope it helps!!

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