Modern Folders - share your feedback!

I’ll say it is SUPER nice to have user provisioned bots. Having studio floating attached to our users has been amazing. Being able to create modern folders and give different access to each one to users instead of locking a robot into a folder has been fantastic. User bots and modern folders are definitely the way to go; they make things so much easier…once you figure them out.

I kinda felt like I had to do a ton of picking around to figure out how to get it all working, and I’m STILL having trouble. I guess for cloud you have to have a separate user for every bot, but for on premise you can use one user for all the unattended bots. (Per this thread for anyone else having issues: Why does Modern Folders requires one "real user" per unattended bot?)

Evidently that’s going to be fixed in 20.10. However, that’s making things very painful for the transition to 20.10, because we have to create all these users and set up everything so that we can move to modern folders before classic is deprecated (and so we can enjoy user provisioned unattended bots asap), and then turn around and undo a lot of it once the issue is fixed.

Having no apparent way to migrate our assets to the new modern folders is also very painful.
I feel like a super administrator should be able to do that.

Anyway, those are my thoughts right now, thanks.