Missing or invalid activity in build

Jira Software package activities are showing missing or invalid activity in existing build opened in Studio v2022.4.3

hI @Sonalk

Can you share the screenshot of the output panel?


Hi @Sonalk

It seems that the code that you are using has some activities for which no corresponding package was installed.

If you know which activity is that please install the package for that and it will work.


Hi @Sudharsan_Ka : PFA screenshot.

Hi @PrankurJoshi : In existing build, both packages are available. As a workaround, i have to move old activities and update code to work in PROD.

It seems conflict with UiPathTeam.JiraGet.Activities , UiPath.Jira.Activities and UiPath.JiraSoftware.Activities in Studio v2022.4.5

Hi @PrankurJoshi
Update Uipath.Jira,Activities and Uipath.Jira.IntegrationService.Activities package. It will resolve the issue

Hi @sangeethaneelavannan1 : I have updated UiPath.Jira.Activities only as other dependencies are already in updated version.

Errors are still there and showing missing or invalid activity.

What is the missing activity name? @Sonalk

Jira Software Application Scope and activities used inside application scope.