Milestone 5 - Automating Word

Word is one of the most used Office applications. Whether you write contracts or create a participant list, Word is a valuable tool.

How was this milestone for you and what will use StudioX for in your context?

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hi it wont allow me to open the files when i download them, it says that the files have been deleted can you please help me with this, also automation wording how do you replace an picture with another picture and when i go to run the process it comes up error saying Error ERROR Validation Error A file name cannot contain a newline, or any of the following characters: * : ? " < > | Main.xaml can i please have a zoom call to go through this , Thank you

contract of sales good document when i download it and go to open the excel file it keeps sending me this message saying file has been deleted.

. Can you please send me on a document that will open when i dowmload it. Thanks,

Hi Chloe! I see you are trying to open the files from the Temp folder. Can you check if the files are in the Downloads folder?

Hi Bianca, Yes i did try that but it will not open, can you please do a zoom call to show me, thanks as i am finding it difficult

I cannot. There seems to be an issue with your machine.

There are forum office hours today, you can check the schedule here, and create a new topic in the #learn:reboot-your-skills category. An UiPath expert might be able to help you.

There was a minor inconvenience with using the template word doc: I had Office 365 on auto-save, while in StudioX the word resource was set to not save changes.

The Office 365 option takes precendence it seems :slight_smile:
Other than that it was a fun excercise!


Hi Chloe; I had the same problem. You should open the “solution” zip instead of the “practice” pdf. There you will find the same excel files, but these do open normally ( at least on my computer :smile: )


Thanks @tseidler , for sharing the quick tip :slight_smile:


Hi, I have two questions:

Can I somehow turn off screen updating (similar as in VBA code) to run robot faster?
Word file is saved after each marked field is amendment, can it be turned off?

Hello @Grzegorz_Biernacki_PL

StudioX is primarily for attended automation hence the need for the human user to see what the bot does as it runs.

At the moment, there is no VBA activity you can use in StudioX; although you can run macros in macro-enabled presentation or spreadsheet files. However, you can leverage the Invoke VBA Code activity in Studio or StudioPro. In a way, I think having such activity in StudioX (or a Run Word Document Macro) is an idea to look into; @AndrewHall, @loginerror, and @Vibhor.Shrivastava what do you think?

As to your second question, I think one way you can get the Word document to be saved just once (when the bot is done) is to turn off Save changes on the “Use Word File” card or the Autosave property on the Properties pane; then add a Save Document As activity as the last activity on the card using the same file path and with the Replace existing checkbox checked.

I hope this helps?



In the “Practice - Modify Word templates - Robot Path.pdf” document the Replace Text [EUR EXHANGE RATE] is missing. In the solution it is there though! :slight_smile:

Good work everyone!


I had the same issue as well. So I moved the word and excel file into another folder. It worked thereafter.

Great exercise!

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I never found replace text, I only have replace text in word document. How do I get replace text.

Hi @terry.short ,

The activity name is ‘replace text in document’ only. You’re referring it right.
It searches for a specific text in word document and replace it with the new text.


Good one.

Hi Guys,
My 1st week course is completed, is like i need to wait until next week to unlock the next piece or i can get started now? if now then where should i go to start the next module??
Sandeep S

@afe.araromi I think the specific request here was “how can I do this like I would in VBA” which was asking for the ability to turn off auto-saving and hide the Word window like we offer for Excel, not specifically an “Invoke VBA” activity in StudioX.

Those requests make sense, so are something we will keep in mind if we continue to see feedback requests in this direction. For now the workaround you gave of disabling Auto save and then using a Save As should hopefully greatly help with the performance.

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So, I’ve 20.10.6 StudioX and Office 2019 Professional. With unchecked option for save changes document is saved. It would be hard for loosing some template, if there is no copy of that.

As a workaround I used copy file activity (copy template file to temporary.docx), then i modified that temporary.docx, saved it as PDF (I know it was’t one of the steps) and after that I delete temporary file.

Of course Save as is working as well, but with pdf option, word document (our template) is saved too.