Marketplace components with visual studio c#,Python

Hi , Im new to dot net & want to learn. What is the right path to learn c# inorder to create market place components or c# libraries to be used in UiPath studio.

#2. For a UiPath developer inorder to get cross skilled, where do we start from to learn Python ,since its a vast subject. Any recommended courses of python in respect to RPA


  1. First start with creating small packages to understand how the packages are created. And then depending on the usecases can go eith advanced.Also a specific learning path would include many prts in c# rather …go eith basic concepts first and then build on it.

  1. Python in rpa front is mostly used when working with datframes so a good start point would be pandas library…apart from that if interested in creating ml skills which is much much more advanced can look into creating skills


Thank you Anil , any references for basic c# as well? to be sufficed for a rpa dev


This can help to understand the concepts generally

Some UiPath and relations to understand


Thank you @Anil_G
Are there existing market place components to black out PDF fields?


You mean you need to hide them?

If so no
