Lost permission to the Manage Access panel

Hi All,

Due to my mistake, I lost all permissions to the manage access panel on Orchestrator despite being a member of the administrator group( Only has access to the monitoring panel now ). Does anyone have any advice to resolve this problem? Thanks in advance.

This looks really unfortunate. I think the last recourse could be inviting another admin account to make the changes and bring things back to what it was for the original user… but it does feel like a bug that shouldn’t be allowed to happen.

Hi @loginerror ,

I have tried to add another user to the Administrator Group, but unfortunately, it didn’t work. Could you help report and fix this issue if it’s a bug? It seems I don’t have the permission to raise such a case under the community plan." Thanks.


I am trying to reproduce it, but I can’t figure out how to do this.

This is what happens when I try:

Both Cloud and Orchestrator are trying really hard to prevent me from removing this access from myself.

Could you maybe share the steps you took to invalidate your permissions? This would help to understand how to fix it.

Hi @loginerror

Our steps might be the same.

I think I might have accidentally cleared all the roles from the Administrator group, including the Administrator role itself, while editing the roles. Curiosity really does kill the cat! I assumed the system wouldn’t allow me to do this, or that doing so wouldn’t affect my permissions.


I feel the same that default roles are got removed. You may try to recreate the tenant by taking backup of your data if any.

All the best!

Ashok :slight_smile:

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Thank you, Ashok, I’ll give it a try

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It doesn’t let me do this. Is there something special about the role that you have over there? What are the permissions of that last role?

Hi @loginerror

I’m not entirely sure, but I think there were two roles there initially. I first removed the automation user role and performed the update. Then, I removed the only remaining role, which was the Administrator. After that, the system started popping up some warnings (red exclamation marks), and I was forced to disconnect. When I logged back in, the situation was as I described earlier."

Beyond strange. Could you please send me a private message with your organization and orchestrator tenant URL, and also maybe the support id which you should hopefully still have access to via the organization admin settings?

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