Orchestrator Roles deleted accidentally

I have accidentally deleted the roles in orchestrator(“https://platform.uipath.com/”).This is what am seeing currently.Is there anyway this can be revoked?


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You might try contacting support from the email address the tenant was registered with (to prove its really yours). Community Orchestrator comes with no guarantees, but maybe they’ll help.

Out of curiosity - did you delete just custom roles? I thought admin role cannot be modified or deleted (unless you unassigned it).


I guess the entire thing as i can now see only access denied.

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yes we can’t delete the default roles. in my case accidently I have released all the admin users from the administrator role. Therefor for this particular talent no one has the admin rights to edit. Is there any work around to roll back to the previous state.
this is the topic i have created for this issue

i have the same issue. how did you solve this issue