Loop for excels in a folder

Hi, all.

I just want to ask you how can I lay out to make a loop for excels in a folder?

I do not know how I can get the excels’ list in Download folder…

Please help… :frowning:

Hi @ymshin0421

Use For each file in folder activity



Hi @ymshin0421

Use filterby option to get only “xlsx”.
“*.Xlsx” represents to iterate through only the excel files presents in the folder.


Hope it helps!!

  • for each file in folder Activity - feel free to set a filter for e.g. exlsx files


.Net Statement:

  • Directory.GetFiles
  • New DirectoryInfo(“YourPath”).GetFiles(…


UPD1 - Visualizations


Use For Each File in folder. Just remember to customize he username using this otherwise same code will not work on other machines or user ids.



Ashok :slight_smile:

Adressing this part in detail, we can make the specific profile folder generic by:


Thank you for your laying out… :slight_smile:


Hope you got the solution for your question. If yes,please mark it as solution to close the loop.

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