Using two excels

Hi, everyone.

Can I ask a thing?

I am using two excels to write some data from excel1 to excel2.

In this case, how can I use excel activities like “Use Excel File” or “For Each Excel Row”?

Could you please let me know how can I lay out the activities?

Thank you… :frowning:

Hi @ymshin0421

Can you please provide input and expect output


Hi @ymshin0421

Can you please elaborate your query? Exactly what you want to do with 2 excel files.



You will have to use Excel process scope activity and inside it you can use two Use Excel File activity to interact with excel files.

Ashok :slight_smile:

@ymshin0421 ,

If you are trying to Copy data from excel 1 to excel 2 by iterating the data using for each excel row, below would be the outline. However this approach could be slow while operating on huge data, hence consider using read range and write range activties.

  1. Add excel Process scope
  2. With in Excel process scope add Use excel file(For File 1)
  3. Inside the above excel file add another use excel file (for file 2)
  4. Inside the file 2 scope add for each excel row and refer to excel 1 as mentioned in screenshot
    5.Use append range to add records to excel 2

Let us know if this helps.

Thank you for your help.

Since I want to write some data from Excel1 to Excel2,

I think your guide should work.

However, I am facing another problem…

For the ‘Write cell’ activity, for the “Where to write” blank,

as I want to write on the Excel2, I think the column names of Excel2 should be shown to select…

but, it just show me the “Indicate in Excel” and if I click it does not work…

Actually, Excel1 is “.xlsx” and Excel2 is “.xls”

Is it problem…?

Please help me… :frowning:

Hi @ymshin0421

No need to use For Each Excel Row you can directly use Copy/Paste Range activity


Actually, instead of the adding range,

I need to write some date from Excel1 to specific cells of Excel2… :frowning:


Can you try the below

Sequence.xaml (16.1 KB)








Oh, good.

This works. Thank you! :slight_smile:

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