New Sheet in Excel

Is there a way to create a new sheet in Excel without building a datatable?
Just need to write content in some cells.

Thank you,

hi @A_Learner

You can simply use a Write Cell Activity and pass “” in NewSheetName cell A1, Use this for creating a blank sheet.

And you wanna write data in some cells that could also be done using write cell.

use the name of the Worksheet that you want to get created newly

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Thank you, @ppr.
Is there a way to do with classic activities?

Thanks so much,


Hi @A_Learner,

Using the “Insert Sheet” activity you can create a New Sheet in the Exce you want.

For your clear understanding take a look at the below images I have attached the workflow with output.

Before using the “Insert Sheet” Activity.

After using the “Insert Sheet” Activity.

This is the workflow image.

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This did not work. Thank you,

avoid ping-pong chats. what was done in detail, what is failling. Suggested approach was working at our end


To avoid the missing out of essentials - ensure:

or use:

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Actually, your question is have to create a new sheet in Excel right?

Yes, correct.
@ppr @adiijaiin
All the above suggested methods working when the file is not in One Drive location.

Thank you,

was working also under this filepath

Thank you for the input.
I do not know the reason.
When the file is under C:~mydesktop it works fine.
In one drive, not throwing any error, runs fine.
Do not find sheet or the cells data written.


If you want to use Excel from One Drive, you can use the Integration Service. First, make a connection to One Drive in UiPath Integration then use the “Add Sheet” Activity. In the activity property select the Workbook and then give the Sheet name you want.

Refer the below images.

Below in Studio:

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Is this per user basis or can be setup in Orchestrator?

Thank you,

we suggest to split the topic.

Question was about classic activities. Answer was given for this.

When integration Service wants to be explored have a look here:

and other docus.

If further asistance is needed on this, then open a new topic.
It should also be noted that some authorizations must be approved by the Azure Administrator

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If you have access you can setup by your own in the Integration Service.

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