Lookup range Multiple column values at a time

I have a sequence in which i am using lookup range activity to look for particular value which is column A .
Now i want to modify that logic to look for combination of values…like Value1 from Col A + value 2 from col B…something like this

I am using excel and i will look for these values row wise.In same row…value1 and value2

Any leads on these @Palaniyappan @ppr @indra @loginerror @nisargkadam23 @RPAForEveryone @mvpmurali @sudheern

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please share some sample data. As we do have multiple options we can better select the solution from the choice

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I have this kind of excel data.
Where In logic i was already lookup for material column value.now i want to add two more columns in lookup activity to make the logic more reliable even if same material there in multiple rows.

Please advise me on this

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Hi @Satish_Ch
Please consider using Filter Data Table activity.

This link shows information with images, how the Filter activity can be used to include multiple lookup columns using AND and/or OR combinations.

I hope this solves your query.


Hey @Satish_Ch!! Try this!

  • Im using this excel as Input.

  • I’m reading this data and storing it in the “dt_input” variable.

  • I will surround my Assign activity with “Try Catch” to simulate the “Lookup DataTable” activity. If no match is found, it returns -1.

  • We first perform a filter on the values ​​to identify the match.

( From p In dt_input.Select()
Where p(0).ToString.Equals(val1) and p(1).ToString.Equals(val2)
Select p ).CopyToDatatable

Hope it helps!


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