Looking for help with absolute terrible loading time of the electron app

Here is the original git source i am working with: GitHub - walmat/nebula

When i start the app and open task manager, i can see multiple processes are spawned but all taking 0% of cpu and 0% of memory for 20-30s until the app actually shows up.

I tried it on 2 different machines (1 threadripper, one dell allienware), so cant be machine related.

for DEV i used yarn start command and even in dev the loading time is huge.

for production build i used yarn package-win and had to do these minor code changes:

  • in electron-builder.xml i had to change forceCodeSigning to false
  • in config.renderer.prod.babel.js i had to remove question: ['./preloads/question']
  • int DateField.tsx i had to comment if (props.emptyLabel) { return props.emptyLabel;} in getEmptyLabel method

any help would be greatly appreciated …

@AndyMenon if you can help. I remember you posting a video on the Electron framework for Apps.

Hey Parth,

I’ve never faced such a problem with Apps loading. Maybe something has changed on the Electron framework side, or on the side of UiPath Apps. Let’s connect and see if we can hash it out.


if you will have time and mood, i can offer you $100 via paypal for solution for the above. the linked repo is all needed