Looking assistance for RE-Framework

Hi Brilliant,
Looking assistant in re-framework

I want to run 3 data table using re-framework. Could you please help me out?

  1. Bot will read 3 data table. one is for orchestrator queue, two are excel files
  2. When run the bot a input dialogue box appears with {“Automation 1”, “Automation 2”, “Automation 3”} 3 option
  3. If I will select “automation 1” then bot will read the “orchestrator queue” and queue item will display into in process transaction as a message box. set the status as success/fail in set transaction status.
    —> if i will select “automation 2” then bot will get the input from “excel file 1” display it by msg box in process transaction.xaml and set the status as success/fail in set transaction status.
    —> if i will select “automation 3” then bot will get the input from “excel 2” which is another
    data table and display it by msg box in process transaction.xaml and set the status as success/fail in set transaction status.

If it would be doable then please share a reframework workflow for references.
I want to do it by single reframework only not any dispatcher and performer way. Thanks in advanced.

All other steps would be same as reframework nature like error handling, log generation and so on.
Note: If possible then please share dummy xaml in current version in UiPath

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Hi @lisa_R

Here’s a high-level overview of how you can structure your workflow:

  1. Main.xaml:
  • Add an Input Dialog activity to prompt the user to select one of the three options: “Automation 1”, “Automation 2”, or “Automation 3” In Get Transaction state.
  • Based On that perform your activity to get the transaction
    • For “Automation 1”: Read data from the Orchestrator queue
    • For “Automation 2”: Read data from Excel file 1
    • For “Automation 3”: Read data from Excel file 2
  1. Process.xaml:
  • Receive the selected option as an input argument.
  • Based on the selected option, perform the corresponding transaction processing logic.
  1. SetTransactionStatus.xaml:
  • Modify the SetTransactionStatus state to handle setting transaction status based on the selected option.

great, if you have time then please share a sample workflow.