I have 3 queues from where input data has to come. I want to use Re-framework. I want to use SETtransactionStatus workflow of framework as well, because I need to retry the transaction for System exception and proceed to next transaction for Business exception.
How can I use multiple queues in Get transaction data state? if I use 3 queues , will the retry mechanism work fine using the set transaction status workflow thats already in place in reframework?
Do you need information from 3 queues to perform action on 1 business transaction or do you want to build robot, which will get transaction from 3 queues and run different sequences/tasks?
If you need data from 3 queues to go with 1 task/job, then maybe you can try to merge those queues to 1 as @NIVED_NAMBIAR explained above.
I need to perform the same process with 3 queues, but I cannot combine them to 1 due to requirement
I was thinking if i can use something like if-else in get transaction data like if no item in queue1, check in queue 2 - get the item process it …again comeback to get transaction data,…if no item in queue1 , check in queue2, if no item in queue 2 also , check in queue3…
If no item in queue3 as well, end the process
All right so maybe if that is not possible (creating one queue) I suggest to build technical robot to merge those queues into one. His job would be to:
Get transaction item by reference (correct me if I’m wrong but i assume you need specific data from each queue. I am guessing you cannot just get first item from each queue). First queue will not have filter transaction, but next should do.
If first queue is empty then robot will stop. So you have to decide which one is checking first.
In process.xaml you can check data, maybe pre process it and etc. If everything is ok then add transaction item with all the needed data to 4th queue. This would be used for right process. Remember that all of the transaction items have to be updated to success. If sth is missing (for example transaction item no 2 is empty) then you can create bool variable with true value (bool_postponed). If so in settransactionStatus.xaml you can add sequence to change status not empty transaction items to postponed.
In that technical robot you shouldn’t have app exeption - if you build It right. You can create some business exceptions scenarios based on data manipulation (checking if data is correct and no missing) though.
Check this reframework flow [Note: just put the queue names in Queue1, Queue2, Queue3 in config excel file in order] RE Framework with three queues.zip (1016.3 KB)
check for transaction item of queue 1 by putting it in if statement,queue1TransactionItem is nothing then put get transaction item for queue 2 in if block