Requesting assistance in REFramework

Hi Brilliant team,
Looking assistant in re-framework

I want to modify reframework according to my expectation.

  1. In initialization state in first run I want to read 3 data table. one is for orchestrator queue, two are excel
  2. Input dialogue box {“Automation 1”, “Automation 2”, “Automation 3”}
  3. If I will select automation 1 then bot will read the orchestrator queue and show it in process
    transaction in one by one using msg box and set the status as success/fail in set transaction status
    if i will select automation 2 then bot will get the input from excel 1 which is another
    data table and show it in msg box in process transaction.xaml and set the status as success/fail in set transaction status
    if i will select automation 3 then bot will get the input from excel 2 which is another
    data table and show it in msg box in process transaction.xaml and set the status as success/fail in set transaction status

All other steps would be same as reframework nature like error handling, log generation and so on.
Note: If possible then please share dummy xaml in current version in UiPath

Hi @lisa_R ,

Try to use control flow activities to select which data table needs to be read, outside the first run sequence in Init state.
Eg. Else-If, Switch

Hi @lisa_R,

So you want to print the datatable into the message box ?



You can use a if condition to check what is the selection output from input dialog box…

Then in get transaction data we can get the data from the required datatable or queue item depending on the input dialog box output using a switch case or if conditions…

Similar approach needs to be created for process and set transaction status as well

Need to create one more transactionitem of type datarow and the original one would be for queueitem…

So use them as you switch between queue and datatable to read the data

Hope this helps

Thanks. Any dummy project with just print the message box?

Thanks. Yes based on the condition. Any dummy project may I expect ?