Log Collection for Error "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later." in Insights

How to diagnose the error "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later." in Insights?


When accessing Insights we see the error: "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later."


Root Cause:

This error typically means an application error has occurred. To see the cause we need to check the application logs.


The goal of this article is to help diagnose the issue and to help gather the relevant logs for further analysis.

  • Please get a har trace: https://uipath-survey.secure.force.com/CaseView/articles/Knowledge/How-to-Generate-a-HAR-file?lang=en_US
    • For cloud this is all that would be needed and we recommend opening a ticket.
    • On the ticket please include your support ID. See: https://docs.uipath.com/automation-cloud/automation-cloud/latest/admin-guide/managing-organization-settings
    • If unsure of the support ID, include the URL for your tenant.
    • For Automation Suite, try and generate a support bundle and then open a ticket: https://docs.uipath.com/automation-suite/automation-suite/2023.4/installation-guide/using-support-bundle-tool
  • The rest of the steps only apply to on prem MSI.
    • Restart IIS and reproduce the error.
    • Gather Event Viewer logs from their Insights Windows machine.
      • See: https://docs.uipath.com/insights/standalone/2022.10/user-guide/insights-troubleshooting-installation#accessing-logs
      • See: https://uipath-survey.secure.force.com/CaseView/articles/Knowledge/How-to-get-Application-Logs-from-the-Event-Viewer?lang=en_US
    • The verbose logs can be helpful but we only need the event viewer logs as a minumum
  • The windows event viewer logs may explain the issue or give a hint to the underlying problem. Its recommended to search the errors seen in the event log in our KB database. If that does not help identify the issue, gather the looker logs
    • Run the following looker log collector:
      • https://uipath-survey.secure.force.com/CaseView/articles/Knowledge/How-to-collect-all-looker-logs-for-Insights?lang=en_US
  • With all relevant logs gathered, open a ticket with UiPath