Anyone get below trouble? I got unknown error when click on Insights
What did you try to do when it happens?
We need more details here
Step 1 : I install Uipath Insights
Step 2 : Enable Uipath Insights for Tenants
Step 3 : Login Orchestrator and click on Insights and then System pop up “Unknown Error”
it is not solution but it can help to look further:
You got code 400,
Check your infrastructure with documentation
Thanks for your help. I’ll try
Did you find a solution? We have 2 insights installs with the same issue. Struggling to find an answer and support hasn’t been any help.
Hey @Humidityhater, really sorry to hear that support hasn’t been helpful. Please shoot me an email (its my first name.last name and copy your sales rep/CSM and I’ll help sort it out.
- Review the certification in the web server Insights (If you don’t have any problem) please go to next point
- Restart both services in IIS Servers: Orchestrator and Insights and try again.
When you receive such an error you should check the event viewer of Orchestrator server where you will see this error :
UiPath.Orchestrator.Core.Exceptions.BadRequestException: Error code - 0, Message - ‘Unknown error.’
at async Task UiPath.Orchestrator.Analytics.Controllers.ApiAuthenticationController.GetJwtToken()
at object lambda_method(Closure, object)
at object Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.ObjectMethodExecutorAwaitable+Awaiter.GetResult()
at async ValueTask Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ActionMethodExecutor+AwaitableObjectResultExecutor.Execute(IActionResultTypeMapper mapper, ObjectMethodExecutor executor, object controller, object arguments)
at TResult System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask.get_Result()
To solve the issue :
Add Orchestrator and Insights certificates to personal and trusted root stores on both servers.