I got struck up in UI Path level 3 assignment 1,
where can i find GetItemDetails.xaml file ?
Hello @ravisha
Don’t get confused, you have to invoke the System1_NavigateTo_WIDetails there
There are some faults in the walkthrough!
GetItemDetail=System1_NavigateTo_WIDetails you must have already created!
Dear Rishabh, thanks for the reply.
After Invoking workflow, i didn’t see any arguments in my process transction. PFA.
Have you created arguments inside this workflow?
Maybe you’ve used variables and not any argument.
NavigateTo_WorkItems will have only this
NavigateTo_WokItem_Details will have this
Process will look like this
okay thanks. will try and let you know.
Thank you, it helped as well.
Could you please help me with System1_ExtractClientInformation, I am stuck at
Thank you
Archana Gaur