Licensing and assembly errors


i have a test automation process that have the python scope activities, when im trying to run this test the executor is not responding.
in the logs there is errors regarding licensing and assembly.
how can i fix this error?

i cant attach the log files and the code because im a new user, so i just copy it here:

09:24:20.4966 => [WARN] [UiPath.Studio] [1] Studio version: 23.12.0-beta.15287+Branch.release-v23.12.0.Sha.6f78cf34182e239b45fdde518f0d7807b8290d82
09:24:21.9713 => [WARN] [UiPath.Studio] [1] Session id: da4c1e3d-c890-449d-af8e-1cb2565e9067
09:24:23.6239 => [WARN] [UiPath.Studio] [1] Office version: O365
09:24:23.6239 => [WARN] [UiPath.Studio] [1] Office build version: 16.0.17126.20132
09:24:24.7148 => [ERROR] [UiPath.Studio] [6] Error: No license exist for this installation Exception: UiPath.Licensing.Library.Extended.Exceptions.NotLicensedException: No license exist for this installation
at UiPath.Licensing.Library.Extended.Implementation.OnlineLoader.UpdateAsync(IDictionary2 userMetadata, ProxySettings proxySettings) at UiPath.Licensing.Library.Extended.Implementation.LicenseProvider.UiPath.Licensing.Library.Extended.ILicenseProvider.UpdateOnlineLicenseAsync(IDictionary2 userMetadata)
09:26:13.9972 => [ERROR] [UiPath.Studio] [91] Could not load file or assembly ‘Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreCLR.Eventing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35’. C:\Users\iroads.nuget\packages\microsoft.powershell.coreclr.eventing\7.1.0\runtimes/win/lib/net5.0/Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreCLR.Eventing.dll
10:20:03.2711 => [WARN] [UiPath.Studio] [1] Studio version: 23.12.0-beta.15287+Branch.release-v23.12.0.Sha.6f78cf34182e239b45fdde518f0d7807b8290d82
10:20:04.0127 => [WARN] [UiPath.Studio] [1] Session id: 8bf36332-8133-4d58-b46d-07530e2c126d
10:20:05.3203 => [WARN] [UiPath.Studio] [1] Office version: O365
10:20:05.3203 => [WARN] [UiPath.Studio] [1] Office build version: 16.0.17126.20132
10:20:06.3353 => [ERROR] [UiPath.Studio] [9] Error: No license exist for this installation Exception: UiPath.Licensing.Library.Extended.Exceptions.NotLicensedException: No license exist for this installation
at UiPath.Licensing.Library.Extended.Implementation.OnlineLoader.UpdateAsync(IDictionary2 userMetadata, ProxySettings proxySettings) at UiPath.Licensing.Library.Extended.Implementation.LicenseProvider.UiPath.Licensing.Library.Extended.ILicenseProvider.UpdateOnlineLicenseAsync(IDictionary2 userMetadata)
10:37:49.7624 => [WARN] [UiPath.Studio] [1] GetCompilableWorkflows: allWfCount = 2, normalizedDistinctWfCount = 1
10:39:34.1602 => [WARN] [UiPath.Studio] [1] GetCompilableWorkflows: allWfCount = 2, normalizedDistinctWfCount = 1
11:22:15.5995 => [WARN] [UiPath.Studio] [1] GetCompilableWorkflows: allWfCount = 2, normalizedDistinctWfCount = 1
11:24:43.1627 => [WARN] [UiPath.Studio] [1] GetCompilableWorkflows: allWfCount = 2, normalizedDistinctWfCount = 1
11:27:37.7068 => [WARN] [UiPath.Studio] [1] GetCompilableWorkflows: allWfCount = 2, normalizedDistinctWfCount = 1
11:28:09.4909 => [WARN] [UiPath.Studio] [1] GetCompilableWorkflows: allWfCount = 2, normalizedDistinctWfCount = 1
11:31:13.5041 => [WARN] [UiPath.Studio] [1] GetCompilableWorkflows: allWfCount = 2, normalizedDistinctWfCount = 1
11:31:57.8158 => [WARN] [UiPath.Studio] [1] GetCompilableWorkflows: allWfCount = 2, normalizedDistinctWfCount = 1
11:32:16.1392 => [ERROR] [UiPath.Studio.App.Logging.OutputLogger] [19] System.Exception: Job stopped with an unexpected exit code: 0xCFFFFFFF

the code:

import pyotp

def authenticator(secret_key):
# Generate the TOTP code
totp = pyotp.TOTP(secret_key)
two_factor_code =

return "Generated TOTP Code: " + two_factor_code

Thank you!!