Level3 UiDemo error in process.xaml

I found that information on that field also I though might be useful.

Mscorlib_DictionaryDebugView<string, object>
"Processing Transaction Number: "
"Error getting transaction data for Transaction Number: "
“Transaction Successful.”
“Business rule exception.”
“System exception.”

ok in the “get transaction data” state, can you do a debug and paste the dump of the values after the execution of “gettransactiondata” workflow.

also can you paste a screenshot of the edit arguments for gettransactiondata workflow

is this it?

for the first screenshot, is that after the gettransactiondata workflow (the one inside the try block) has been executed as the transactionitem is null.

this is what I see too.
Running only the get transaction data wf says no transaction data.

should I run the dispatcher again maybe? I run it anyway and try the above through again.

yes ensure that your queue has items first. if your workflow is right, the transactionitem shouldn’t be empty

so there are 5 new items.
but still the same situation.
the get transaction data run through in no time.

As the UiDemo assignment is not part of the exam. Does it exist anywhere to compare the running ReFramework with mine to find the issue?
Also I am suspicious if not in Orchestrator some setting are wrong or in the config file?

if possible can you zip up and share me the files.


I tried upload and drag and drop. both gave me this error message. an email address?

hmm i am not sure why your workflow doesn’t work on your computer. but whatever issues that i have pointed out in the previous post that were null, it is the reverse on my side. everything seems perfect and i have not made changes to them except for config.xlsx.

Can you check config.xlsx and do a step by step debug on your side and ensure that you are indeed grabbing from “UiPath_REFrameWork_UiDemo1” .

so my workflow runs after I uploaded items into Orchestrator into the queue. It types into the UiDemo application.
I changed a value to be greater than 1000 to see if the Business Exception. this is what I am challenging by running the process.xaml
should I just move to the next assignment?
For you is this development complete? I am confused a little after your positive confirmation. :slight_smile:

Your workflow is fine on my end. I am unsure if you have set up orchestrator properly which I am unable to check. So please try to debug get transaction data on your side step by step

oh, well I try my best. You spent a lot of time trying to help! Thank you very much!