Level 3, assignment 2 - Set Transaction Status Error

Hi All!
The Walkthrough document for assignment #2 says that "The TransactionItem variable in the Main file should be of the System.String type. You should also make sure that the argument types in the GetTransactionData, Process, and SetTransactionStatus files match the type of TransactionItem."

The problem is when I change all the abovementioned things to String, ‘Set Transaction Status’ activity has validation error(Value of type ‘String’ cannot be converted to ‘UiPath.Core.QueueItem’.)

Many of you have already passed this assignment, so could you please help me? :slight_smile:


In_TransactionItem should be the type QueueItem. May I know the reason for changing it to string?

@HareeshMR thank you for your reply!
As I mentioned in my post I’m using this Walkthrough PDF guide from UiPath RPA Academy. Please see the attached screenshot.

But still I can’t figure out how to make it work if the guide wants me to use String values for TransactionItem.

No problem, If you use the REFramework, from the main work flow and in every other sub workflows, the transaction item can be of type Queue item. You don’t need to change :slight_smile:

Or if you want to change the type , try this

CType(In_TransactionItem, QueueItem)

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What I do, in cases that Transaction_Item is not QueueItem, I delete all the parts that include "Set if Transaction Item is QueueItem)

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Thanks for replies, guys!
I think I get it now. In this assignment we’ll have 2 processes - Dispatcher and Performer. So, The first one doesn’t need to set transaction status at all, because it just uploads data to the orchestrator. That’s why we can use String for TransactionItem type.
Anyway I might be wrong, but this is how I see it now. :smile:

have you solved the performer process ???