In Yearly Report Assignment, the TransactionItem is a string. How to take care of this error?
In Yearly Report Assignment, the TransactionItem is a string. How to take care of this error?
Change the argument type of In_TransactionItem to queueitem buddy this would work
if you are passing it as queue item
I am using string. In all 4 places. Main, Process, GetTransactionData and SetTransactionStatus. As specified in Walkthrough.
Change that to queueitem buddy because your are trying to assign string ( which should be queueitem ) to queueitem
OK. I will change it and try.
In this assignment, Each TransactionItem is a page number. so we are mapping Out_TransactionItem = in_TransactionNumber.ToString.
and TransactionItem is a string.
If we change it to Queueitem, will it not throw an error?
If you are using Orchestrator and Queues then transactionItem should be type queueItem. Please change it to queueItem wherever you found transactionItem in the whole workflow.
Buddy Kindly remove the .tostring from in_TransactionNumber
use get transaction item activity to assign the âtransaction numberâ from queue to âOut_transactionItemâ variable
After spending more than a day. I figured out what was going on.
In the Assignment (Generate Yearly Report), It has two parts.
In the Dispatcher section, the TransactionItem is a String. Because we will extract Data from the Acme webpage and store it in Orchestrator as Queueitem. We will not get Queueitem from the Orchestrator.
Therefore, In SetTransactionStatus.xaml file we will not need the first part. So we can delete it OR comment it out. The Succes part looks like this after I removed If Queue Item is deleted.
In the Performer Section, The TransactionItem is a QueueItem.
Thank You @lakshman, @Palaniyappan, @neethulg
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