I completed the first part of level 3 assignment 2 with the Dispatcher process. It was working and and I moved onto the Performer process, but now I the Dispatcher process stopped working (without making any changes to the workflow). I have checked the forum for an answer but have not found one. Orchestrator shows the robot as busy and even creates log entries but it does not show up in the Queues section. I have reset the data and still the workflow says…
Opening applications…
Login Successful…
Processing transaction 1, 2, 3, etc.
Process finished due to no more transaction data.
Closing applications.
UiRobot is connected. Please help because I am was working on Performer (trying to trouble shoot why the file name writes “Data\Temp” instead of the xlsx file path location) when Dispatcher broke.
I see, thank you for the assistance for the Performer problem. That part was confusing because when I debugged the CreateYearlyReport workflow, the workflow was able to read “Data\Temp” from the config file and actually write the correct file path. But when I ran the workflow as a whole, the workflow would read the same config file and write only “Data\Temp.” I will test it out as soon as I can fix the new Dispatcher issue…
By the way, do you know how to fix the Dispatcher error(s)?