I have tried resetting the data, reset the queues, and yes I do upload the work without resetting the data.
I have tried a few different ways, the only area I can see where the problem is where the downloading the monthly files and merging, I’ve experimented with no column headers, 1 column headers, having column headers throughout the entire Yearly report.
I’ve double checked the names of files, the content that is getting entered, it all seems to be correct, I don’t understand why I am getting 0/100 every time, can someone please help
Check this
1)Make sure All workitems processed succesfully.
2)when the process was complete all the Uploaded yearly reports will be in “Data\Temp” folder ensure the data has processed successfully or not by opening each file indvidually.
3)your email id in academy and Acme both should be same.
4)Make sure unique hash code generated for each work item in update work item section.
5) once all the items are completed. Dont Reset the test Data
6)when you are submitting assignment2 i.e WI4 ,the WI5 items also needs to be in completed status. so Both WI4 and WI5 needs to be in completed status