Hello everyone.
Am looking into Lesson 12 foundation training and following the workflow documentation lesson for the SAP try and catch attached herewith. Lesson 12 - Debugging and Exception Handling - Workflows.zip (98.0 KB) .
In the Try section I was able to Edit the selector to point to the right login icon. However, it throws an error in the type into email when the login screen pops out. I tried to rectify this by editing the selector again but it can’t detect the type into textbox. as shown in the attached image here. . It treat the whole pop up window as an image. Kindly assist how to make uipath detect the type into input box.
Second question.
How can I in general detect that a message box has popped up in web automation. same like the screenshot given with no image or element to detect.
For this use Send hot key activity with key as tab and use n number of send hot keys activity until we reach the field we want to reach
–Then use type into activity with the value we want to type
this is similar to the way we work on citrix with keyboard instead of mouse
Then for this
use Image exists activity if its a image or use Element exists activity if we are able to select that popup as element and the output of these two activities will be a variable of type boolean
if its true the image appears or element appears
or if its false it doesnot appear
simple buddy
Hope this would help you
Kindly try this and let know for any queries or clarification
Cheers @mozahra
Fine, if the focus goes directly to the Email field then we can directly use the type into activity that would work for sure
but make sure that type into activity is placed within a attach window activity by choosing this window as a element
Hi @Palaniyappan
Am attaching it herewith after modifying as per your suggestion. However, its didn’t type neither in the email / password text boxes. Can you kindly check it and assist.
Hello @mozahra
if you saw Lesson 12 the first thing is enable to GUI script to detect selector on SAP Application.
i suggest to first enable GUI script then all element is detect in SAP Application
For Second Question
Use IE Browser because of Chrome browser has problem with Pop up