Learning more technical things to complement UiPath

Hello There Community

I have been working with UiPath for around a 1 year and a half and I have passed the major UiPath Academy Courses (Foundation, Orchestrator, Advanced, SAP).

I come from an Engineering Background, but not an IT backgroud, so I lack knowledge in programming languages.

I wanted to know if you get can recommend me a good online course to learn a more technical aspect of programming that can complement my Knowledge in UiPath. Maybe C#, VB Net or something regardind the .Net Framework. There is probably some good stuff in Udemy or Lynda.com but I don’t quite know where to start.

Can you guys help me?

Best Regards
Pedro Tavares

The RPA Foundation course is good for learning some of the foundational skills for VB.Net functions in UiPath on academy.uipath.com.

There is also this course on udemy.com for $11 which teaches you what you’ll need to know before diving into UiPath.


Thank you Anthony, I am going to check it out.

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