Item not found - Error 500 - Internal server error MICROSOFT 365 SCOPE

When trying to download or upload any file within sharepoint, this error occurs. The activity was working and suddenly it didn’t work anymore

Hi @wilson.grimaldi
Welcome to the UiPath forums!

Is it possible that the SharePoint directory or path has changed?
The way Office365 activities are designed, it can be sometimes difficult to assess which factor has changed.
Can you please share the error details? And also please verify that the file/folder being referenced is accessible to the user/client secret used by Office 365 scope.

The directory has not changed, I can still access it through the find files and folders activity
My problem is when I try to download or upload a file.

Error output:
Message: Item not found
Inner error:
date: 2021-08-11T13:12:41
request-id: 882b6c60-b2e7-438f-84ff-4704bc7f3052
client-request-id: 882b6c60-b2e7-438f-84ff-4704bc7f3052
ClientRequestId: 882b6c60-b2e7-438f-84ff-4704bc7f3052

Error 500 - Internal server error

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500 - Internal server error

An error occurred during the processing of your request.

Data might be lost.


Possible solution

Please contact your system administrator.

logout icon
Log Out

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The html after “Error 500 - Internal server error” makes me think this isn’t a Microsoft Graph issue at all.
If you’re trying to upload through Office 365 activities, how are you getting this part?
Are you accessing a webpage where this messages shows up?

Also, since the exception trace shows no particular error detail except for the generic message (Item Not Found), I’d suggest verify that the output returned via Find Files and Folders activity is correctly referenced when creating SharePoint item.
Also, any change the app/delegated permissions in Azure portal have been changed?