So I have an Excel Application Scope process that includes hotkeys for portions of it. The issue I keep running into is that UiPath will open the selected excel file for the application scope in the background, and then when it gets the the portion of the process where it should use hotkeys on the selected file it instead executes them on the original screen. How do I make the chosen excel file for the application scope the file the hotkeys are performed on?
Make sure Visible property is check in the properties of excel scope.
Try indicating screen on “Send Hotkeys” activity, in this way it knows where to execute the hotkeys. Make them dynamic to use on other excel sheets.
If that doesn’t work, Use “Type Into” activity → indicate screen → type in the necessary keys.
Thanks for the response. I already had the Visible box checked. I also want to entirely avoid indicating anything on screen - the point of hotkeys is that I accomplish everything without any clicks or on-screen indication. Again, my main issue is that after the file is opened it doesn’t become the active file that UiPath is recognizing for the Hotkeys. When it opens it blinks white and yellow in the icon bar. Instead, it executes all the excel specific tasks as it should but for actions like “Ctl+c” it attempts it on the previously active screen. Maybe there is a different activity that can replicate Hotkeys that would work better within the excel application scope?
Either way I need to completely avoid indicating anything on the screen. Just need to get it to recognize the excel file from the scope is the file hotkeys should be performed on.
You may try to use Get Active window activity otr else have Attach window activity and place the portion on which the hotkeys has to be performed. Just give a try.
Really appreciate the help. None of the reccomended actions have solved the issue. Again, the problem is that instead of the selected file opening it instead blinks orange and doesn’t become the active file. See attached image. When I ran this yesterday it didn’t blink like this, would open, and it ran perfectly. Additionally, during the process if I click into the file through task bar is runs fine.
Thanks for the feedback. I don’t have any selector in the hot keys, but I’m afraid that doesn’t solve the issue. Uipath opens excel in the background, which the hot keys don’t notice.
It works right after I restart my computer.
It is a working workaround, but it’s quite the burden to request my users to restart their computer every time they want to trigger the robot.