Is there a way to Save a UiPath Form in a printable format like PDF

I have created an Employee Record Form in Uipath, want to store it in a printable format. Is it possible with any of the Uipath activity to store a Uipath Form in a printable format as PDF. Please let me know.

Hi @mailsmithash

Do one thing use take screenshots activity and then use save image and then convert into word application scope by using insert picture and use export word to pdf activity


How to pass the uipath Form screen into ‘Take screenshots activity’, since opening the Uipath Form disables the ‘Indicate on screen’ on the ‘Take screenshots activity’

You can easily do it by creating a flow in such a way that it automatically clicks on the save part and then further selects the save as format as pdf

When the uipath Form opens up on the screen there is only ‘Submit’ button on it. There is no option to Save the Uipath Form in a different format like PDF.

Taking screenshots before the opening the UiPath form by giving a delay in “WaitBefore” for 30 seconds still takes the screenshot of the Desktop instead of the UiPath Form that is open on screen

hi @mailsmithash
do one thing take selector by inspecting the form in UiExplorer
& pass only selector in selector property


Uiexplorer is disabled when Uipath Form is open on screen. So not getting an option to view it’s selector.

Hi, I was able to take a screenshot of the UiPath Form

And follow the steps to create a PDF document from the UiPath Form using the Word Application Scope as suggested by you and following the below link:

Thanks a lot for your help. The issue is resolved.

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