Hi All
I need to click image for below pic which is the MicroMd application, i can only click image selector so it didn’t run unattended mode. Can you please suggest some other activities to click two images and run in unattended mode as well. Even the right one not clicking nor go to the cursor.
Hi! Welcome to community!
Have you tried with CV Click or Image click?
If not You can achieve this by using this two clicks
And also use anchors for two clicks left side click anchor-> Bill Prv and Right side Click Anchor-> Ins Class
Try it and let me know
Okey i will try and let you know,Thanks.
I tried CV activities its working for CV click activities but only in attended mode, when i run in unattended mode(Minimizing the remote server) then i got below error.
Will work CV activities in unattendedmode?
Attended mode: Manual intervention is required. That means human need to click on that particular element.
Unattended mode: No manual intervention required. That means no need to click on that element manually.
So, You wants to run the process in background am i right?
In that case you can use Simulate or Send window message will works fine.
Try it once.
(Paul Ostwick)
June 23, 2022, 12:56pm
Image clicks work fine unattended. You have to make sure the resolution for the Robot is set to the same as the computer you wrote the process on.
Yes how can i apply input methods in cv activities, can you check the below image.
I think we can’t use simulate for CV. bcz it is directly interact with Application.
Try with normal click with Anchor Base or You can use Hardware events like SendHotkey.
This will works in background
I tried with Click Image activity, not run in unattendedmode.Please advice.
Hi Normal click activity not clicking the image because its selecting grouping the activities like below image.
Can anybody tell,Will CV activities run in unattendedmode?
(Paul Ostwick)
June 23, 2022, 2:37pm
What does this mean? You said your Click isn’t working unattended. Now you’re saying not in unattended. Can you be more clear?
Also, if you’re using Click Image it means you’re not on modern. Why not? You should be.
(Paul Ostwick)
June 23, 2022, 2:37pm
Yes but you don’t need CV activities for this.