Is it possible to convert an out argument to boolean?


I am using the Get Text activity to extract text from a specific field. Text in this field always starts with the date, time and timezone in this format mm/dd/yyyyy hh:ss:ss US TimeZone ET. What I want from this activity is to retrieve if there is any text on this field to use this result on a if condition next. The Get Activity result is an our argument string. Is it possible to convert this argument to boolean for the if condition?



How about using String.IsNullOrEmpty as the following?


Thank You. This is brilliant. I used the contentExists boolean as the condition on my if statement. However for some reason it is saying always saying that there is nothing on the box when sometimes there is text on the box. I did used the selector under target and made sure it is looking for the correct box. Also I placed the anchor and when I clicked highlight it is highlighting the correct box. Any ideas?