Is any firewall setting is there which blocks rdp automation after rdp disconnects


we are facing issue for uipath automation when rdp disconnects.
we wants to know is any firewal setting is there which not allowing to perform our actions regarding image automation
there are some rules in firewall reagrding remote desktop connection.
check ss.

please suggest if any configuratio is there.

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Hey @Mathkar_kunal

When you say disconnects in the middle unable to get it, kindly elaborate.


ok , if i disconnect my vpn then rdp connection gets auto disconnects.
reason behind we are disconnecting vpn is if we close our laptop the vpn auto disconnects and rdp too.
we have aur automation at night time also so it is not possible to keep our laptops on 24/7.
if we lock the scren then automation runs fine with all click including normal click and image automation but when rdp disconnect wont works.
recently we change our bounce server ip means new bounce server and new remote mg version.
bounce server- just a server where mremoteng is there and we use it to connect our vm’s.
i checked the setting present in previous and new version of mremoteng but all same even for bounce firewall setting is same .
so confused beause working in previous version and not working in new verson

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Hey @Mathkar_kunal

I got your problem :slightly_smiling_face:

So the machine where you run the bot is a remote server or a normal windows machine?


I think Once if the Remote Runtime component is installed, you can create your automation projects without having to create any firewall rules.

Check this doc on remote runtime installation especially for image automation

Let us know if you are facing more issues

Cheers @Mathkar_kunal