Remote Desktop Connectivity issue

We are connecting VDI and then Remote Desktop. While running bot on RDC, RDC connection is getting disconnected. When we are doing some other task on RDC then connection remains ideal but whenever we are starting the bot , its getting disconnected.
Please help me to solve this problem ASAP.


your RDC is dropping because Uipath is logging with a Console session when your RDP user is probably not an administrator.

  • If you do not want your connection to drop you have two options:

Your robot account needs to be administrator and you need to log with the same account with the RDC

  • Make UiPath not logging in a Console session (I would recommend this one)

This can be achieved by amended the line under in the settings file located in %programdata%Uipath\UiPath.settings

"LoginToConsole": false,

Note that making this change on the file requires an Administrator account



I know this is a post from 2 years ago, but I am experiencing the same issue now. Tried the solution and it somehow did not work for me (I know it worked for many others).

I have enterprise version studio and robot agent (2019.4.4) installed on my local machine, with a development license (which I thought would be like an attended bot). Everything is fine locally, but if I remote into using RDP from another machine, whenever I trigger a job through Orchestrator, the remote session disconnects (job still finishes).

I changed the “LoginToConsole” value to “false”. My account is not local Admin in my local machine, and the robot is using the same account.