Hi All, I have created 3 different workflows for a web application which runs on chrome. When I call this 3 workflows in one test case like first workflow is LoginPage.xaml , 2nd is homePage.xaml and 3rd is logoutPage.xaml , then this test case opens 3 different browser instance. I need this 3 workflow, to run and validate on single chrome instance. TIA.
For the first application and browser use the single window and for the remaining use application and browser activities use the application instance.
For the first use application/browser activity change th below settings in the property panel
Open - always
Close - never
Window attach mode - Single window
For the second and remaining use application/browser activity change th below settings in the property panel
Open - if not open
Close - never
Window attach mode - application instance
If you are using classic activities then use open browser for opening and for rest of the workflows use attach browser.
If you are using modern activities then for use application browser activity change the properties.
Refer the below documentation
I recommend to use UiElement varible at Input/Output element property and set Never at Open property. Then pass it to other workflows.
The following sample may help you.
Sample20240204-1.zip (7.9 KB)
Welcome to the community
except in the login set the open to never in use application/browser
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