Reuse Browser Instance in multiple Web element


I created a workflow where in i open a web page using “Use Application Browser” activity on chrome.
This is a simple login page where i open web page , login using username and password and click submit.
After login there is a “Search Product” Textbox.

Now here is the problem : I want to create this “Search Product” workflow as a reusable workflow which i can use in various test cases. But the problem is i need to put click/enter text all these element always inside a “Use Application Browser”. So i am always repeating the login workflow .

Is there a way where i create a workflow and for “Use Application Browser” i use an existing workflow instance.


you can make that as a separate workflow and use Invoke Workflow activity where and when required

Hope this may help you


Hey @pdubey - are you using studio or studioX? my guess is studio because of the reusable workflows?

If studio then what you would do is in the reusable workflow which searches for the product, set the use application properties not to open, and then indicate the application when it is on the page where you search the product. That way the new workflow will a) not try to open a new instance, and b) be looking for an instance of the application with the correct page/selectors

Hey Thanks for a prompt response . I am using Studio Community edition.

Sorry i didnt Get this!! I am very new to UI Path.

So let me elaborate more on this:

  1. I have a work flow where i open a web page using “Use Application Browser” activity on chrome.This is a simple login page where i open web page , login using username and password and click submit.

Now i want to create another workflow where i just want to have “Type into” Activity. But the problem is it doesnt allow me to have just “Type into” activity and throws this error:


And if i add this “Use Application Browser” then i am essentially repeating the steps which i created in step 1

so you would still need to use the Use Application / Browser activity in your second workflow, but when you indicate the application/browser to use, indicate the screen you are on after clicking submit on the login page. then what will happen is instead of uipath opening a new window and starting from the login screen, it should attach to the already opened and logged in window and continue from there with whatever clicks you need to do

Thanks Dillian. This helped.

Though not really happy with this design of tight coupling “click”/“Type into” activities with Application/Browser Activity :frowning:

Its a good point! and the older classic activities were not dependant on the use app container.

however - when someone makes a change to the website and the selector changes for the window you will be really happy when you only have to change the selector in the use app activity, not all of the clicks, types etc. individually :slight_smile: :rofl:

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