Integration Jobs using wrong account

I have a ServiceNow intergration setup with a trigger. This trigger works and will poll servicenow to pull items and process them. However the job runs on the wrong account. It will run on an account without access. Is there a way to select an account on the trigger similar to jobs or normal triggers?

Hey @RPA_Z,

Happy to hear that you’re using the ServiceNow connector. You should ensure that the connection that you’ve established and the authentication parameters that you’ve provided are consistent with an account that has appropriate permissions. There is no option to switch accounts within an already established connection. If you need to use multiple connections within a single workflow, that is possible using the ‘Configure’ option within a Scope activity or directly in the activity (depending on the version you’re running).

Please refer here for instructions on authentication: ServiceNow Authentication

Here is a troubleshooting guide for permissions:

Let me know if that helps.

This does not help. I have completed the integration. Everything works, however when the integration starts the job. It will trigger the process under an account which is not setup to run on the machine. This is the host identity for the job. I don’t see anywhere to specify which account to use for the job/process to be run. It seems to pick whatever account alphabetically I believe.