Insufficient licenses available on this tenant, make sure you have licenses available before intending ML Skill deployment

I’m using Enterprise trial and 2 ML skill are deployed, when I’m trying to deploy new ML Skill,
Getting the below error:

Hi @Mamata_Shee

Do you require both the ML Skill Deployed Everytime.?


I need 3 ML Skill together in a project. Is there any option to do so?


The behavior of AI Robot is :

An AI Robot can run 2 ML Skills at a time or can run 1 training job at a time.

And in Enterprise Trial you get only 2 AI Bots.

You can do a workaround by undeploying the ML model when ever not required and Deploy it back again.

You can do that by navigating to ML Skill Tab in AI Center and Clicking on “Modify Current deployment”



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